Professional photography is an imperative marketing tool to take your industry to new heights. your company website or brochures is frequently an introduction to any new customer. A triggering impact is essential with eye-catching ,provocative photographs aimed at nudging business into action. Photography for industry by our experienced team at Rana Photography aims to put a “wow” into any front cover or exhibition. With marketing underpinning 90% of your assignment and your fame mostly depends on how your visuals are portrayed and their potential to attract and influence people.
Our photography for industries aims to grasp what makes you tick and then devise the best possible photographs for maximum attention. Working pictures feature people and industries in action.Your machineries come to life inside the pages of pamphlet and manufacturing is alive at every click.
Process industries filled with steam and heat showcase the stages of manufacturing and the crashing and banging of engineering works are felt through the lighting and subject handling by our professional team. The photographs will demonstrate how ordinary,everyday practices are transferred into shots which have influence and regularly portray corporate reports,promotional materials and displays for major exhibitions.Good lighting in difficult environments and producing colossal pictures are all a part of our role.
We aim to create a first role impression that will help your industry to flourish. So take a glimpse ahead with us to cherish your success.
Will be chargeable on per day basis.
Normal working time will be 6-8 hours a day.
All post processed Photographer will be delivered on a Pen Drive/DVD/Hard Disc.
Depend on requirements and size of your industry.
You may customize your packages as per your need. Click Here